1 Haziran 2014 Pazar


                                                      MARDIN’S FOOD CULTURE
         Mardin's own special dishes are very delicious. If you go to Mardin, you should try to do meals or you can try to make yourself at home. Let's start to know  Mardin's dishes.
1- Soups : Lebeniye, Gruel, Lentil Soup, Keller Leg, Pea Soup, Corten, Guinea Soup, Tomato Soup .....

2- Kebaps : Onion Kebab, Kebab Potato ......

3- Meat Dishes: Malzum, Kibbe, Raw Meat of Mardin, Keller Leg, Dobo,Firkiye , Stew, Carrot Chowder ......

4- Roasting Pans-of-fries: Purslane Pan, Potatoes, Eggplant, Peppers, Zucchini, Carrot fries ....

5- Meatballs: Stuffed Meatballs (İkbebet), Aya Meatballs (Irokan), Raw Meat, Lentil Meatballs (Bello), Walnut Stuffed Meatballs, Kitel Raha ....
6- Stuffed-Wraps: Stuffed Eggplant, Stuffed Peppers, Tripe Stuffed, Stuffed Rib, Stuffed
Zucchini, Turkey Stuffed, Lamb Stuffed, Pigeon Stuffed, Tomatoes Stuffed, Chicken Stuffed ....

7- Rice: Bulgur Pilaf with Vermicelli, Kıneplel Rice, Lentil Pilaf, Gasore, Ihsane, Copan Rice ....

8- Dough: Sembusek, Walnut Pastry, Sesame Potato Sum, Sum Lorca .....

9- Olive oil dishes: Stuffed grape leaves, Kınebl, Menemen, Pea in Meftune ....

10- Bean salad and Salads: Potato Salad, Salad, Brain Salad, Salad Acer ....

11- Desserts-Cakes: Rice Pudding, Davk Bi Dips, Cheese Halva, Harire, Asure, Zerde, Halva, Zingil, Kahıyye, Davk İl May, Tahini Halva ....

12- Salty: Icce, Coriander and Red Stamp Coreg is peppered with Tan ...

13- Cookies: Chickpeas, Sugar Chickpeas, Almonds, almond candy, Ibzor, Melon Seeds, Watermelon Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Bitim, Mahaleb, Pulp, Walnuts and Almonds Sausages (Ikude) ....

14- Drinks: Mirra, Liqueur, Grape Juice, Pomegranate Juice, Sumac ....

15- Pickles: Rami, Cucumber, İşfelleh, Green Olive, Mountain Cucumber, Green Pea marinade ....

16- Some private Breakfasts: Cream, Honey, Green Olives, Herbed cheese ...

31 Mayıs 2014 Cumartesi

Culture and Art

                                                 Culture and Art

Mardin has narrow streets and ornate stone mansions. Because of narrow streets the garbage is collected by dustmen whit donkey. Streets uneven and hilly, houses stone and flat-roofed. Mardin has madrasas, dargah and tunnel. Byzantine emperor did a Mardin Castle. Mardin Castle of Mardin had 100 m in height.

Climate and Vegetation

                                    Climate and Vegetation

 Winters are cold and rainy, summers are very hot and dry in Mardin. Climate is continental climate in Mardin. In most places have steppes in Mardin. Mardin has oak forests and thickets. Mardin have also a little bit of olive trees.

General Information

                                 General Information:

 Mardin was taken by the Arabs from Byzantium in the 7th century. Mardin have been the Ottoman Empire through Çaldıran War. Mardin has 12 thousand years of history. Mardin in Turkey in The Southeast Region. Management is governor. Mardin governor is Turhan Ayaz. 31 municipalities and 579 villages in Mardin. Mardin is the second largest province after Kızıltepe province. Plate code is 47. Mardin has different religions and beliefs. Mardin has also artistic works. Mardin's name means "City of Castles" in the Syriac language. Most of the folk says "Merdin" in mardin.

Harzem Taceddin Masood Madrasah (Kızıltepe)

             Harzem Taceddin Masood Madrasah (Kızıltepe)

Mardin Kızıltepe 8 km.
 Located on the banks of the Water northeast of Zerkani this madrasa and according to the inscription on the inner door; Malik al-Mansur did Nasired of Artukoğulları Artuk Arslan's freed slave, was built by Abdullah bin Masud Taceddin.
XIII century, this structure works with the amendments in the next period of major changes have occurred in the layout plan. Therefore it was not possible to remove a complete plan of the madrasa. Nowadays only used as a tomb and mosque mosque space can be separated from each other.

Savuran Door Madrasah (Central)

                 Savuran Door Madrasah (Central)

İn Mardin Bab es Sur Mosque nearby narrow streets found in this madrasa inscription because there is no history in the making and who are not known.
 In the literature, there is not enough information about these madrasas. Madrasa today has become a dilapidated state. This structure Artukoğulları period is thought to be between XIII.-of XIV. The remains of the madrasa courtyard and it is understood that the two-storey. On the ground floor shops and stables are given. Reserved space on the second floor, and two of them side by side over two cross vaults were covered. Transitions between them with each other in between these spaces were built later.